Meet the parents: veitchii (m) edition
I figured it would be cool to show off parents of my veitchii grexes in more detail, so I'll do one post on the veitchii (m) parents and another on the veitchii (k). Let's start out with my favorites! The veitchii (m) grex was produced by Exotica plants several years ago and is, in my opinion, one of the best grexes of veitchii ever released commercially. The (m) plants were a cross of two 'Bario' type veitchii, and typically display the characteristic squat pitcher shape, tall peristome and terrestrial, crawling growth habit that comes to mind when people picture this type of veitchii. However, this grex has a huge amount of variability (like most grexes of veitchii) in terms of pitcher color, peristome color and pitcher shape, obviously, the most desired display a squat, pinkish/red body with striped peristomes, which are unfortunately, the small minority of plants released. Like most veitchii, these plants are fairly slow growing and take a good while to mature and ...