Meet the Parents: Veitchii (k) edition!
Part two of a better look at the parents of my homemade veitchii crosses, let's take a look at the veitchii (k)!
N. veitchii (k) '1' EP SG M
The first veitchii (k) I added to my collection, this female produces the largest, and fattest pitchers of all my (k). The peristome starts out striped and fades to beautiful sunset tones.
N. veitchii (k) '2' EP SG F
This specimen of veitchii (k) shows a nice pink colored body with a nice stripey peristome that maintains its stripes even as the pitcher ages. Probably my slowest growing veitchii but this girl is currently holding a nice stalk of seed. Love this plant!
N. veitchii (k) '3' EP SG F
My most colorful and vigorous specimen from the (k) grex. New pitchers start out bright reddish/pink with a beautifully striped peristome, as the pitchers age, the body loses some of the pink coloration and peristome takes on a golden hue but maintains the strong striping. This one mothered a grex of (k) x (m) and has another stalk of seed currently maturing. A truly fantastic specimen!
Hope you enjoyed a look at my veitchii (k)! I absolutely can't wait to see the offspring from these girls! Thanks for looking!
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